Mark 12.28-34

Mark 12.28-34

This coming Sunday we will be gathering for worship on “The Barge” at 9am. We will be focusing our time on Mark 12.28-34. In this passage we are introduced to a scribe who is observing Jesus and his disciples. In his observation he asks a question...
The whole crowd was spellbound

The whole crowd was spellbound

This coming Sunday we will be gathering for worship at 9am on “The Barge”. We will be focusing our time on Mark 11.15-19. In this passage we find Jesus driving out those selling and buying in the temple. He also turns over the tables of the money changers...
Jesus Sat On It

Jesus Sat On It

This coming Sunday we will be gathering for worship at 9am on “The Barge”. We will be focusing our time on Mark 11.1-11. This is traditionally known as Jesus’ triumphal into Jerusalem. Jesus instructs his disciples to get a colt for him to ride on...
Dreaming and imagining what could be

Dreaming and imagining what could be

This is the third part of the blog post that I wrote on Monday. This is a follow-up to the temporary emergency shelter that we had last week. On Monday I talk about (1) the city of Wilmington and what we are known for, (2) Wednesday I pondered this question “does...
Do we need another permanent shelter?

Do we need another permanent shelter?

This is the second part of the blog post that I wrote on Monday. This is a follow-up to the temporary emergency shelter that we had last week. On Monday I talk about (1) the city of Wilmington and what we are known for, (2) today I will be pondering this question...