On September 20th, 2015 Meg McBride walked down Front Street to an event space that The Anchor was using as a gathering location for worship. At the time she was working on her undergraduate degree from Mount Olive University, her major was Religion. She had been given an assignment to go to a worship service and critique the sermon and write a paper about the experience. In her paper Meg wrote: “It was inclusive. It was Biblical and contemporary, and it blended the two together like a well-practiced couples dance routine—smooth transitions with both aspects being equally highlighted. The church history was a bonus and a treat (Philip commented on how important it is to mention these things). The social justice part struck my heart where my passion surges. The service ended in communion (which they do every week and is my most favorite part of church).”

After that experience Meg dove right into involvement in the life of The Anchor. In many ways it was like we, as a church, had been waiting for Meg to arrive so that we could be the church we were called to be —— and likewise, Meg had been waiting for us so that she could be the minister that God had called her to be. She wrote about her first week at The Anchor and said: “It’s been quite a while since I’ve sensed the Spirit really moving in me emotionally. Since Sunday, I have been struck with moments of intense emotion (tears of joy) which are accompanied with overwhelming gratitude for the Lord’s presence and work in my life…… They are ‘sweet spots’ and act as an urging forward as I walk out the ‘call’ to ministry–of which I have not a clue how that will play out or what I am to do next….”

Meg McBride has been walking out this call to ministry ever since she stepped through the metaphorical threshold of The Anchor’s front door. We have seen her grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ, and we have been honored to travel beside her and to call her friend and pastor. So it is with an overwhelming sense of awe and gratitude that we introduce Meg McBride as the Pastor of The Anchor for the next three months. She will be serving in this role as the Chryst family steps away on sabbatical till June 15th. If you need her or need pastoral support feel free to call her. It is with a grateful heart that we welcome Meg into this amazing role to lead this missional church.

Please be in prayer for Meg and be in prayer for the Chryst family. During sabbatical they will be taking a couple family vacations, Philip will be studying monasticism at Mepkin Abbey & Duke University, and the family will be going on pilgrimage in Spain on the Camino de Santiago. Buen Camino!