The one year anniversary of Hope Recupertive Care was celebrated on January 1, 2020 and what a journey this has been! We had many sweet moments this year and many challenges!

As we began this endeavor, we asked ourselves what is our task, as servants of Jesus Christ, who are called to be His hands and feet to those around us? How far would God ask us to go? To what lengths was God calling us? And what does sacrificial love really look like?

Each day we were confronted with the intense human suffering of those not only being sick and recovering from an illness or injury, but also of being without a place to call home. We found that homlessness is not just the physical reality of not having a house, but has a deeply relational, emotion, and spiritual component as well. Many of our guests are estranged from family and friends and sometimes their present relationships are unhealthy. In many cases, the staff and volunteers of HRC became the guests’ only source of positive relationships. We learned that our guests are emotionally exhausted by merely trying to survive. We saw how living in survival mode takes a huge toll not only on one’s health, but on one’s personality, and guests often presented their most unattractive sides. Their situation often sparks the question, “Why has God done this to me?” – a question that demands to be answered, and – often the response is silence. There is not one simple answer.

Despite their challenges, we saw the miracles of what a break in agonizing circumstances can offer. For example, we witnessed a guest recover from cancer and end a 20+ year toxic relationship which allowed them to say “yes”
to a single, stable housing opportunity where they are still living today. We helped guests navigate reconciliation with family members and provided a comfortable environment to those who the Lord called home.

The life blood of our operation is our dinner table. Volunteers have graciously donated food, time, and culinary skills to serve our guests and staff supper every evening at 6pm. Everyone is welcome to come for dinner! What makes us unique is that we eat our meals together, as it gives everyone the opportunity to come together as family.
Throughout the year, we have tended to our kitchen garden, eaten fresh eggs from our chickens, composted, recycled, and utilized food from our local food bank. We continue to see ways to reuse, and recycle. Our ongoing work is to bring the demands and promises of the Gospel into the life of HRC. Our work constantly pressures us to pay attention, make decisions, and submit to God’s will. HRC pushes us to grow everyday in our compassion for others, in our understanding of what is just and right and in our faith to trust that God has our guests in His hands. We continue to pray for courage, patience, and perseverance in our commitment to the mission of HRC and look expectantly for miracles of healing, restoration, and salvation.

In humility and service, we promise to keep showing up every day at HRC to bring light and love into the darkness. Please keep the past, present, and future guests of HRC in your prayers.