At The Hope Center we have been called by the Lord to live life together.  This way of living a life of mission has inspired us to focus our attention in a variety of ways.  We seek to live a life that reflects Jesus and you can see that through our different missional opportunities.  Below you can see ways you can get involved.  Please call or email us and we can help you to get involved.

Breakfast on the River Front – On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays we share breakfast on the river front.  We have been doing this for three years now.  We have numerous volunteers from many different churches, businesses, and non-profits that help us with breakfast.  We usually share food with about 40-50 people and we welcome other volunteers that seek to come and help.  We do this on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the visitor center which is near the corner of Market Street & Water Street.  On Sundays we share breakfast at our worship service which is located at 106. S. Water Street.



At The Hope Center we have a particular missional focus that involves art.