I wanted to take a moment to consider 17 years ago.  I went to work 17 years ago like it was any other day.  I was in sales for a company called S&D Coffee.  I really loved that job and found it meaningful and with a lot of opportunities to grow in a career path.  DeAnne and I had been married at that time close to two years.  She had a great job with New Hanover County Health Department.  We were making more money then we had ever in our life and things were looking really good.

I found myself that morning staring at a TV screen at a customer’s office.  I sat there staring —– because I didn’t know what else to do.  I was staring because I was seeing planes flying into buildings, and buildings falling down, and fire and dust and ash and despair.  I was seeing something that didn’t make any sense to my understanding of the world.

I was very involved with a wonderful church and of course we grieved together.  We grieved over the tragedy, and the loss of life, and the babies that would never see their parents again.  But I had to do something more.  I knew that my life could never be the same.  I knew that I couldn’t just continue to live this life of trying to make all the money I could.  I had to do something different.

On the afternoon of September 11th, 2001, if I had run into a military recruiter, I would have signed up immediately without consulting DeAnne.  I wanted some sort of vengeance and I wanted to be part of the action in regards to making this right.  Instead of signing up for the military, I started to talk to people that I trusted.  I talked to my brother (who was in the military at the time) and I talked to my brother-in-law (who was a chaplain at the time).  I started talking to them about this idea of military chaplaincy.  I started doing research and realized I needed more schooling in order to pursue chaplaincy.

This started me on a path where I looked at ministry as an option —— which has lead me to where I am now.  Like I said, I had to do something different with my life.  And God took that and made something beautiful.  I believe the Lord can take all things and make them into something good —— including 9-11, including despair, including my so-called career path —— God can make it good.

I cannot go by a day like today without reflecting.  And that is what I do today.  I reflect on the fact that the Lord has taken a person like me and used me as an instrument of God’s grace.  I am not my own —— instead it is only because of Jesus I can be a person that is on the streets of Wilmington being a pastor of a church without walls.  I pray that God will continue to take the messes that we all make, and reconfigure them for the good.